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Welcome to Smarter by 1 Degree Adults

Welcome to Smarter by 1 Degree

Fast, Affordable Bachelor's Degree 

Adults College on Your Terms

College On Your Terms

Smarter by 1 Degree offers you the flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere on a phone, tablet, or computer. Courses focus on learning without busywork so you can complete them quickly and efficiently. Say goodbye to homework, group projects, and having to attend live classes


Discover How Our Program Works ➣

Work Smarter
Not Harder

We've partnered with universities that have generous transfer credit policies so you can apply previous credits towards a regionally accredited bachelor's degree. After we evaluate your transcripts, we'll map out the most efficient classes for you.

Adults typically graduate within 1 year of starting our program (with or without transfer credit).


Learn about your options ➣

Adults Work Smarter Not Harder
Adults Affordable Degree

Affordable Degree

With 62% of employers requiring a degree for entry-level positions, we know you need a degree. We want to help you earn it while while saving time and money.


The average student loan is

 is $37,338 and takes students 20 years to pay it off. Smarter by 1 Degree offers an accredited bachelor's degree for $7,000 with support and guidance.

Same degree, less money.


What's Included in Our Program ➣


Teri Pratt Testimonials

"After 25 years of being out of school, I finished and graduated with my bachelor’s degree in 14 months. I've now been accepted into graduate school and started a master’s program for Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I would not have been able to be where I am today without Smarter By 1 Degree and without using their services to plan a degree."

Terri P.

SB1D Graduate

Student on Laptop

Work SMARTER, Not Harder!

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