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Breakdown of a Bachelor Degree

A Bachelor’s Degree Explained

Bachelor degrees require 120 college credits. You will need to take a total of 40 college classes because each class is usually worth 3 credits. The first 20 classes are referred to as general education requirements (gen eds for short). These include classes like English, math, science, history, and gen ed electives like humanities and social science. The next 10-12 classes are your area of study (college major), and then you take electives to finish up the degree. If you are wanting the fastest, easiest bachelor’s degree, then you will take your gen eds and the rest will be electives.

General Education Classes These classes are very similar to high school classes (think Algebra, Biology, English, US History, etc.). This is one of the reasons why 30% of college students drop out in their first year. It can feel like deja-vu because you’re excited to start college, but then you find yourself back in the same classes you just finished in high school. We’ll give you open- book options so you can move through them quickly.

Did Someone Say Algebra?

If you are one of the 40% of college students who are returning back to school as a working adult, general education classes can make you nervous and uneasy. You might be thinking there isn’t a way for me to pass Algebra after being out of school this long.

When we come to the dreaded topic of math while degree planning, most of our clients become silent. We all have anxiety about something, and college math (Algebra) seems to be a common one. Don’t worry, I have a math class that meets your math general education requirement without Algebra or Geometry. That’s right, no Algebra, and no Geometry!! Let me ease your math anxiety and general education nervousness by recommending the best classes for you to take to earn your degree.

Area of Study

The next part of your degree is the area of study (AOS) or major requirements. These can range from 33 to 45 credits on average, or up to 60 credits for a business degree. If the area of study requires 33 credits then you will complete the rest of your credits as electives.


Electives are classes in any subject so they give us a lot of flexibility. Students are often surprised at how many elective classes are in a degree. We use this to our advantage in our fastest degree so we can save a lot of time and money on classes. If you have 60 credits in your area of study (business degree), you’re only going to have a few electives because of so many required classes. If speed isn’t your main goal, there are a lot of interesting classes that can be taken for elective credit.

Strategy is Everything

Strategic degree planning allows us to pick the best classes for each section, whether they are general education classes, the area of study, or electives. Our strengths are planning, thinking out side of the box, and our experience with helping thousands of students. You will see that strategy plays a huge part in the degree planning process.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. -Benjamin Franklin

Earn a Degree Without:

  • Homework

  • Busy Work

  • Stress

  • Papers

  • Algebra/Geometry

  • Textbooks

  • Live Class Sessions

Earn a Degree With:

  • Affordable Tuition

  • Flexibility

  • Efficiency

  • Coupons, Savings, & Discounts

  • Self-paced, Open-book Classes

  • Step-by-step Directions & Schedule

  • Support, Coaching, & Advising

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Great blog! The tips given are actionable for busy adults like myself.

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